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بلاك بيري و آي فون - Blackberry & iPhone برامج بلاك بيري BlackBerry و العاب بلاك بيري BlackBerry برامج والعاب جهاز بلاك بيري 2010 ومنها BlackBerry Storm و Bold 9000 و Curve 8900 و BlackBerry 8300 و Curve 8320 و Pearl 8100 و Pearl 8120 و BlackBerry 8800.بلاك بيري و آي فون - Blackberry & iPhone |
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رقم المشاركة : ( 1 )
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![]() أعلنت شركة أدوبي اليوم أنها ستتوقف عن تطوير مشغلات فلاش لأجهزة الموبايل و ستركز على تقنيات أخرى مثل HTML5. ستستمر الشركة في دعم فلاش على أجهزة الكمبيوتر. و لكننا لن نرى دعم من أدوبي لتزويد أحدث الأجهزة بمشغلات Flash. هذا و قد تحدث ستيف جوبز الرئيس التنفيذي السابق لأبل عن فلاش و أسباب عدم دعم فلاش في الآيفون (ترجمة). و يبدو أن أبل قد إتخذت القرار الصحيح. هذا هو بيان شركة Adobe: اقتباس: Flash to Focus on PC Browsing and Mobile Apps; Adobe to More Aggressively Contribute to HTML5 Adobe is all about enabling designers and developers to create the most expressive content possible, regardless of platform or technology. For more than a decade, Flash has enabled the richest content to be created and deployed on the web by reaching beyond what browsers could do. It has repeatedly served as a blueprint for standardizing new technologies in HTML. Over the past two years, we’ve delivered Flash Player for mobile browsers and brought the full expressiveness of the web to many mobile devices. However, HTML5 is now universally supported on major mobile devices, in some cases exclusively. This makes HTML5 the best solution for creating and deploying content in the browser across mobile platforms. We are excited about this, and will continue our work with key players in the HTML community, including Google, Apple, Microsoft and RIM, to drive HTML5 innovation they can use to advance their mobile browsers. Our future work with Flash on mobile devices will be focused on enabling Flash developers to package native apps with Adobe AIR for all the major app stores. We will no longer continue to develop Flash Player in the browser to work with new mobile device configurations (chipset, browser, OS version, etc.) following the upcoming release of Flash Player 11.1 for Android and BlackBerry PlayBook. We will of course continue to provide critical bug fixes and security updates for existing device configurations. We will also allow our source code licensees to continue working on and release their own implementations. These changes will allow us to increase investment in HTML5 and innovate with Flash where it can have most impact for the industry, including advanced gaming and premium video. Flash Player 11 for PC browsers just introduced dozens of new features, including hardware accelerated 3D graphics for console-quality gaming and premium HD video with content protection. Flash developers can take advantage of these features, and all that our Flash tooling has to offer, to reach more than a billion PCs through their browsers and to package native apps with AIR that run on hundreds of millions of mobile devices through all the popular app stores, including the iTunes App Store, Android Market, Amazon Appstore for Android and BlackBerry App World. We are already working on Flash Player 12 and a new round of exciting features which we expect to again advance what is possible for delivering high definition entertainment experiences. We will continue to leverage our experience with Flash to accelerate our work with the W3C and WebKit to bring similar capabilities to HTML5 as quickly as possible, just as we have done with CSS Shaders. And, we will design new features in Flash for a smooth transition to HTML5 as the standards evolve so developers can confidently invest knowing their skills will continue to be leveraged. We are super excited about the next generations of HTML5 and Flash. Together they offer developers and content publishers great options for delivering compelling web and application experiences across PCs and devices. There is already amazing work being done that is pushing the newest boundaries, and we can’t wait to see what is still yet to come! [عبر موقع Adobe.] موضوع ذو علاقة في رعاية الله Hwhf sjdt: H],fd jjogn uk tgha ggl,fhdg الموضوع الأصلي: أصاب ستيف: أدوبي تتخلى عن فلاش للموبايل || الكاتب: ناقل الأخبار || المصدر: منتديات نور الاستقامة
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مواقع النشر (المفضلة) |
الذين يشاهدون محتوى الموضوع الآن : 1 ( الأعضاء 0 والزوار 1) | |